featured 0006 patirck doughtrey the old home

If you hadn’t noticed by now, we love the outdoors. And we admire those who do as well. We find that using the outside as inspiration makes each of our homes unique, in that it becomes an extension of the existing environment. Maintaining a focus on nature throughout the entire process of creating a building is both complex and simple. Living in a space that utilizes natural materials enhances our relationship with the land and brings us back to our roots. If we’re not living in a Bohl house, our next option might be a glamping experience in one of Patrick Dougherty’s stick sculptures.

Patrick Dougherty is a sculptor and visual environmental artist from the woodlands in North Carolina. He creates these huge organic installations out of twigs and saplings, pulling inspiration from the landscape, different cultures, birds’ nests, and various architectural elements. Each project is brought to life with the help of local volunteers. Much like the work of an architect, the sculptures are created out in the open which means the public can see the progress day by day. His work can be found around the world in parks, museums, campuses, and other places where the public can experience at their leisure. Overtime, the stick sculptures disintegrate and return to becoming one with the landscape. “The Old Home Place” is in our hometown of Annapolis, Maryland at Maryland Hall.

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CJ Howard

CJ Howard is an architect and teaches as an Assistant Professor at the Catholic University...

Celia Pearson

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Celia Pearson